Where we are is where we should practice.

Don’t remain on the surface of life. Depth is there to penetrate – dive in.

Never allow time, your most valuable property, to be wasted.

Give others the space to be themselves.

Treat everyone with dignity and respect.

Develop a healthy disregard for your own sense of importance.

Take time out to RELAX.

Make certain your home greets you with joy.

Give yourself to the things that really matter – the most important issues that effect lives.

When you discover your mission in life give to it fully, completely and wholeheartedly.

Don’t imprison your attention in the wrong area of life.

We need to develop the ability to draw a line under our mistakes, learn from them and then move on.

Never allow a lack of talent get in the way of your perseverance to achieve.

The only real constancy is change therefore accept and embrace it with a full and committed heart.

Beginners mind starts every morning.

Never be embarrassed when doing good.

Life is not solely about personal gain but what you can do to help others.

Life – so easy to get it wrong and so difficult to get it right.

We have dreams and aspirations, hopes and yearnings to be filled – so don’t waste a moment, fill them.

As soon as a dream visits us a corresponding fear / anxiety kicks in – ignore it!!

Remember: we can argue from a sustained base of verifiable facts and still not change people’s minds.

Always concentrate on your own little patch.

Stay awake.

Don’t allow your life to become too complicated – seek out simplicity
in all its manifestations.

Swear allegiances to yourself – your highest, noblest self.