“Welcome to Shedland” – Michael Lewin shares his journey to enlightenment – via the various sheds he has often retreated to! Published on the Resurgence Magazine website.

“The Power of Love” by Michael Lewin on Paradigm Shift Magazine.

“Six Stages of the Healing Process” by Michael Lewin on the In Light Times website (Spiritual, Holistic, Metaphysical Publication).

“In Celebration of Idleness” by Michael Lewin on the New Age Journal website.

“Living Mindfully in the Here and Now” by Michael Lewin on the New Age Journal website.

“Engaged Simplicity” by Michael Lewin on The Mindful Word website.

“Overwork – a subtle form of slavery that restricts our spiritual growth” by Michael Lewin on the Living Now website.

“The Gift of Life” by Michael Lewin on the New Vision website.

“Simplicity: The Journey to Wholeness” by Michael Lewin on the New Renaissance website.

“The Life of Simplicity and Contemplation”by Michael Lewin on the Simple Living website.

“A Journey Into Healing” by Michael Lewin on the Faith Initiative website.

“Martin Luther King Jnr: The Civil Rights Movement and Gandhian Philosophy” by Michael Lewin on the Gandhi Foundation website.

“Thoreau’s experiment with the simple life” by Michael Lewin on the Lifestyle Movement website.